My Way of Working

Where you stand determines what you see and what you do not see; it determines also the angle you see it from; a change in where you stand changes everything.
Steve de Shazer

My method of working is Systemic Family Therapy. This method introduces a new perspective in how we understand problems and suffering, but also how we deal with them. This perspective focuses not only on the current life situation of a person, but also on the system of relationships that that person has. This system of relationships either contributes to the problematic situation, or could be used as a resource in dealing better with the problems or solving them.

Another trait of the Systemic modality, is the focus on the here and now. Although important past experiences are taken into consideration, my aim is to discover with you what possibilities and resources are available for you right here in the present day to day for you to better your situation and reach a desired outcome.
Through my training in this modality, i offer the opportunity to discover in our work together, the various influences between you and the relationships you may have in the various systems such as family, couple, work, society, culture.